Many different types of relationships exist between people, including family relationships, friendships, acquaintanceships and romantic relationships. Social support from the people around us plays an important role in our mental health and well-being, and when that support is strong it can help people feel confident and self-assured. When our relationships are positive they can also motivate us to take greater risks and follow our dreams.
Research suggests that humans are wired to connect with other people, and the desire for close relationships can be traced back as far as early infancy. It is theorized that the ability to form stable, loving relationships begins in the infant’s earliest experiences with caregivers who provide the basic needs of food, shelter, warmth and affection. The stability of these relationships can create deeply ingrained patterns of behavior that last throughout the life of the person.
People in healthy, long-term relationships experience a sense of emotional fulfillment and a feeling that their lives are meaningful. These feelings can be the result of a deep love and admiration for a partner, or it may simply be that they have found someone who makes them happy and completes their life. Regardless of the reason, it is believed that these feelings are beneficial to one’s mental and physical health.
Some people stay in unhealthy relationships because they believe that if they work hard enough, things will get better. This mindset can be dangerous because it often leads to toxic codependent relationships and sexless marriages, where the partners are stuck in an implicit bargain to tolerate their significant other’s bad behaviors because they’re scared of being alone. While this type of relationship might appear to be stable on the surface, it can quickly lead to resentments and an eventual breakdown in communication.
Healthy, fulfilling relationships can also be a source of motivation and inspiration to take on new challenges, as well as a supportive environment when you are struggling with personal issues. This support can be a great benefit to our mental and physical health, as it can keep us from becoming isolated or depressed.
Having healthy, positive relationships in our lives can also help to reduce the risk of sexually transmitted diseases. It’s important to be sure that you have a clear understanding of the boundaries of your relationship and that both of you are taking precautions against sexually transmitted infections.
People in healthy relationships are able to communicate well with each other and understand each other’s needs. These positive relationships can provide a mirror that reflects our own strengths and weaknesses, helping us to become better versions of ourselves. In addition to improving your communication skills, being in a good relationship can help you feel more confident and comfortable in your own skin. The sense of security and belonging you feel from your partner can be a big motivator to continue working on yourself and pushing yourself to grow into a better person. It is no wonder that so many people find themselves in a relationship at some point in their life.